Monday, July 13, 2009

Can't Put a Price on What it's Worth

First trip home is over.

For the first few days I was in Louisiana, I couldn't wait to come back.  I wanted the comforts I've grown accustomed to.  I wanted my bridges.  I wanted my bedroom.  I wanted Graffiti. 

but by Wednesday or so, I was enjoying my home territory once again.  

The rain, the humidity, the heat... no, I don't miss those.  It's the sights, the sounds, even the smells, and most of all, it's the people. 

I LOVE our culture.  I love sharing it with New Yorkers.  I often refer to myself as an ambassador of the greatest place in the country.  No one can mistake my loyalties. 

Dan and Maddie's wedding was as great a reunion as I had expected it to be.  I realized just how much I love my friends from college, and just how much I have been blessed to have them.  I cannot imagine what the last five years of my life would have been like had I never met those people.  The memories are sweet, and the time I get to reminisce with them even sweeter.  After the wedding, we went to the Chimes and just talked and laughed and enjoyed good company.  I am thankful for that opportunity.  No plane ticket would be too expensive to experience that sort of joy.  

Now I'm back in New York, reacquainting myself with the loves I have here.  I look forward to what the next several months of my life may hold. 

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