Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I Do

Okay, so I've been terrible at this "Blog every day in May" thing, but I AM writing finals, so I really only blog when I am trying to procrastinate.... like now. The idea of it is great though, giving a topic for each day that others will also be writing about, so I'm trying to at least keep up a little.

This is actually yesterday's post, because I think yesterday's topic was fabulous, and I don't want to skip.  The question was "If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question 'What do you do'?"

I would have to say what I DO is as follows:

I take long walks. Lots of them. It's my favorite thing about living in New York. I find new neighborhoods, I rediscover old ones.

On that note, I explore. I hop the bus to other cities whenever I get a chance. I seek out a different Starbucks in which to do my writing each day during heavy school-work times so that I can people watch on a different street.

I love. A lot. I love a lot of people. I love a lot of things. I have been loved by the God of the universe, how could I possible not be overflowing with love for everyone else and everything? I cannot get enough of sharing love, even if my way of doing it might be different from others.

I write. Writing is quite possibly one of my favorite activities. While everyone else is stressing during finals, I'm ENJOYING the heck out of it! Seriously. I LOVE that my finals are all papers.  I have about fifty pages to get done, and I'm only slightly more than halfway through it, and I don't dread a word of it. I love to blog, I love to journal. Seriously. I love writing letters and sending cards. I'm not a "words of affirmation" person, but I do love writing people notes - even if I can never think of things to say in them since I'm not sappy in that way.

I daydream.  This is actually a problem.  I have planned out a million great romances, and envisioned a life with my perfect job, etc. so much that I have to pray those false ideas don't become idols.

So yeah, THATS what I do.

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